Set Up the DSNUTILS Enterprise Server Region

Walks you through the steps required to create the JCL-enabled DSNUTILS enterprise server region.

Create the DSNUTILS enterprise server region

  1. In Eclipse, open the Server Explorer view.

    If it is hidden, display it by choosing Window > Show View > Server Explorer.

    Attention: You might encounter an ESCWA Sign On dialog box as you perform the steps required to create, configure, start, or stop an enterprise server region from the Server Explorer. If you do, ensure that the Server requires credentials, Use specific server credentials, or Server is secured , and the Store credentials boxes are unchecked, and then click OK. Also, if prompted to disable password recovery, click No.
  2. Expand Local [localhost:10086]
  3. Right-click Default [], and click New > Enterprise Server.

    The New Enterprise Server dialog box appears.

  4. In the Name field, type DSNUTILS.
  5. Next to the Template field, click Browse and navigate to the location of the Enterprise Developer server templates, which is %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\etc\ServerTemplates by default.
  6. Select JCLTemplate.xml, and click Open.
  7. In the Associate with projects box, check JCL1.
  8. Click Finish.

    In the Server Explorer view, expand Default [] to check to see that the server has been added. By using the template, the server already has the necessary options selected for MSS enablement.

Start Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA)

  • From the Eclipse Server Explorer, right-click the Local [localhost:10086] node, and then select Open Administration Page from the context menu.

    ESCWA starts in your default browser.

Configure DSNUTILS properties

  1. In ESCWA, click NATIVE.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Directory Servers > Default, and select the DSNUTILS enterprise server region.
  3. Click GENERAL, and select Properties from the drop-down list.
  4. In the ADDITIONAL section, type the following into the Configuration Information field:

    Where eclipse-workspace is the full path to your default Eclipse workspace.

  5. Scroll up to the System Directory field, and type in the path to your system directory, which is $IDE_PROJPATH\system.
  6. Under REGION FEATURES, ensure that MSS Enabled and JES Enabled are both checked.
  7. Click APPLY.

Set up XA resources

  1. Click GENERAL > XA Resources.
  2. On the XA RESOURCES page, click NEW.
  3. Populate the fields on the XA Resource Configuration dialog box as follows:
    Field Value
    Name HCODEMO
    Module esodbcxa.dll
    Open string DSN=HCODEMO,USRPASS=loginID.Password1
    1 Use your SQL Server authentication credentials.
  4. Click SAVE to complete the XA resources setup.

Define the dataset location

  1. In ESCWA, click JES > Configuration.
  2. In the Default Allocated Dataset Location field, type $IDE_PROJPATH\data.
  3. Click APPLY.

Start the DSNUTILS enterprise server region

  1. In Server Explorer, expand Local [localhost:10086] > Default [].
  2. Right-click DSNUTILS, and then click Start.
Note: If you start the enterprise server region outside the Eclipse IDE, then the environment variable IDE_LOADLIB must be specified and the directory and any subdirectories used by the region must exist.

Create aliases for MBDT

  1. In In the navigation pane, expand the DSNUTILS enterprise server region, and then click the arrow that appears to its right.
  2. Refresh the ESCWA page.
  3. In the right pane, click JES > Alias to open the ALIAS page.
  4. Create each alias listed in the table below, one at a time, as follows:
    1. Click NEW.
    2. On the NEW ALIAS dialog box, enter a program and alias pair from the table.
    3. Click SAVE.
    Program Alias
  5. In the navigation pane, select the DSNUTILS enterprise server region, and then click the arrow that appears to its right.

Stop the DSNUTILS enterprise server region

  1. In Server Explorer, expand Local [localhost:10086] > Default [].
  2. Right-click DSNUTILS, and then click Stop.